Congratulations to all of the State Contest Participants!
Results will be posted under Contest Info/State and National Contest Results
Nebraska Teachers of the Year
The participating teachers' work has benefited numerous students, many of which have become national qualifiers.
Each teacher receives $500 Patricia Behring award and are eligible at the national level for a $10,000 award.
Junior Division: Roxann Penfield
Senior Division: Melanie Chesley
State Winners
Junior Division - Individual Exhibit
First Place
Title: Encounters of the Oregon Trail
Student: Nolan Lewandowski
School: St John the Baptist Elementary, Plattsmouth, NE
Teacher: Pamela Reinsch
Second Place
Title: Little Sure Shot
Student: Tylea Underwood
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Junior Division - Group Exhibit
First Place
Title: Upton Sinclair's Encounter with the Meat Industry
Students: Jada Mader, Jillian Brennan
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Second Place
Title: Mother of Normandy: Exchanging Letters to Comfort American Families
Students: Maia Flynn, Summer Richardson
School: Ainsworth Community Schools, Ainsworth, NE
Teachers: Nichole Flynn and Heather Lutter
Junior Division - Individual Performance
First Place
Title: Amelia Earhart
Student: Savannah Short
School: Lewis & Clark Middle School, Omaha, NE
Teacher: Melissa Shrago
Second Place
Title: Dian Fossey: Encountering Gorillas in the African Mist
Student: Katrina Beel
School: Ainsworth Community Schools, Ainsworth, NE
Teachers: Nichole Flynn and Heather Lutter
Junior Division - Group Performance
First Place
Title: Lewis & Clark: Paving the Way for America's Settlement of the West
Students: Alexis Arens, Taylor Arens, Taylor Schieffer, Brittany Tramp
School: St Rose of Lima Elementary School, Crofton, NE
Teacher: Ginger Schieffer
Second Place
Title: The Encounters and Exchange for the German Jewish Passengers on the SS Saint Louis
Students: Jasmine Pineda, Heaven Rush, Paige Stones
School: Lourdes Central Catholic, Nebraska City, NE
Teachers: Roxann Penfield and Cathy Thomas
Junior Division - Individual Documentary
First Place
Title: Thomas Savage: An Exchange at Jamestown
Student: Tyler Kaus
School: Chadron Middle School, Chadron, NE
Teacher: Cathy Kaus
Second Place
Title: Just American: The Tuskegee Airmen Explore Racial Diversity in the Military
Student: Grant Taylor
School: Ainsworth Community Schools, Ainsworth, NE
Teachers: Nichole Flynn and Heather Lutter
Junior Division - Group Documentary
First Place
Title: The British Government: Exploring Ways to End the Irish Famine
Students: Aubrey Bando, Elaine Madison
School: Lourdes Central Catholic, Nebraska City, NE
Teachers: Roxann Penfield and Cathy Thomas
Second Place
Title: Jacques-Yves Cousteau: Exploring the Silent World
Students: Madison Vanwyngarden, Sydney Cole
School: Elkhorn Grandview Middle School, Elkhorn, NE
Teacher: Katherine Griffen
Junior Division - Individual Website
First Place
Title: Pompeii: A Culture Frozen In Time
Student: Annabelle Carozza
School: Lewis & Clark Middle School, Bellevue, NE
Teacher: Janice Nelson
Second Place
Title: Project: Apollo 1961-1975
Student: Corban Preston
School: Faith Christian Elementary, Kearney, NE
Teacher: Dan Leach
Junior Division - Group Website
First Place
Title: Salem Witch Trials
Students: Lauren Collins, Grace Sorenson
School: Chadron Middle School, Chadron, NE
Teacher: Cathy Kaus
Second Place
Title: Bodmer & Maximillian: A Journey into the American West
Students: Lindsay Johnston, Neleigh Rush, Noah Talmadge
School: Ralston Middle School, Ralston, NE
Teacher: Mindy Podraza
Junior Division - Historical Paper
First Place
Title: Vikings: Blood Thirst Barbarians or Talented Traders and Excellent Explorers
Student: Megan Snow
School: St Robert Bellarmine Elementary, Omaha, NE
Teacher: Chris Dziadus
Second Place
Title: The Transcontinental Railroad and Its Impact on America
Student: Anna Rose Bushman
School: St Cecilia Cathedral Elementary, Omaha, NE
Teacher: Jillian Roger
Senior Division - Individual Exhibit
First Place
Title: Encounters in Antarctica
Student: Chance Snook
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Second Place
Title: Ferdinand Vandeveer Hayden and the Geological Survey of 1971
Student: Nathanial Nixon
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Senior Division - Group Exhibit
First Place
Title: When Dial Turns Dire
Students: Maddie Werner, Anna Bohlken
School: Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca High School, Syracuse, NE
Teachers: Adam Krecklow and Aiden Vodicka
Second Place
Title: Ellis Island: An American Platform for International Dreams
Students: Brennan Splichal, Ashley Svik
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, NE
Teachers: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
Senior Division - Individual Performance
First Place
Title: More Than A Name in A Jar
Student: Taryn Underwood
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Second Place
Title: The Hidden History of Human Zoos
Student: Emma Bjork
School: Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca High School, Syracuse, NE
Teachers: Adam Krecklow and Aiden Vodicka
Senior Division - Group Performance
First Place
Title: The Brutalities American Soldiers Encountered in WWII Japanese POW Camps
Students: Trey Stutheit, Wyatt Nickels, Jaxson Balm
School: Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson, NE
Teachers: Lory Broady, Dan Gossman, and Sheila Remmereid
Second Place
Title: The First Crusade: A Quest to Take the Holy Lands
Students: Derek Monie, Korey Rathe, Noah Wadleigh, Michael French, Ashton Wasenius
School: Arapahoe Public Schools, Arapahoe, NE
Teacher: Heidi Thomas
Senior Division - Individual Documentary
First Place
Title: DeWitty: An Audacious Pursuit of the American Dream
Student: Dallas Jones
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, NE
Teachers: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
Second Place
Title: The Day of Two Noons: Railroad Encounters with Time
Student: Vanessa Taylor
School: Ainsworth Community Schools, Ainsworth, NE
Teachers: Nichole Flynn and Heather Lutter
Senior Division - Group Documentary
First Place
Title: The Guarded Nine: Exploring Integration in Little Rock
Students: Kaela Evans, Alex Melroy, Alexis Moss
School: Hastings Senior High School, Hastings, NE
Teachers: Ann Mays and Faye Friesen
Second Place
Title: Classic Motown: A Cultural Exchange
Students: Angela Wenzl, Josh Andersen
School: Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson, NE
Teachers: Lori Broady, Dan Gossman, and Sheila Remmereid
Senior Division - Individual Website
First Place
Title: Exploring Irrigation in Scottsbluff: Overcoming Adversity
Student: Kacie Hahn
School: Johnson Brock High School, Johnson, NE
Teacher: Lori Broady
Second Place
Title: Andrew Jackson Higgins and the Little Boat That Won the War
Student: Brady Aschwege
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Senior Division - Group Website
First Place
Title: The Space Shuttle Program
Students: Sydney Brown, Hunter Hawk
School: Chadron Senior High School, Chadron NE
Teacher: Cathy Kaus
Second Place
Title: The First Congresswoman: Paving a Way for a New Era
Students: Kathryn Boilesen, Justine Cork, Jazmine Faalii
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, NE
Teachers: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
Senior Division - Historical Paper
First Place
Title: El Mozote: Political Exploration and Exchange, Deadly Encounter
Student: Julia Briones
School: Lexington High School, Lexington, NE
Teacher: Melanie Chesley
Second Place
Title: Harvey Milk: Come Out, Speak Out
Student: Danielle Rivera
School: Lexington High School, Lexington, NE
Teacher: Melanie Chesley
Nebraska State Historical Society Award - Junior Division
Title: Agate Fossil Beds: Exploring Nebraska's Past
Category: Group Website
Students: Julie Skavdahl & Sam Skavdahl
School: Pink Public Schools, Marsland, NE
Teacher: Dan Valenta
Nebraska State Historical Society Award - Senior Division
Title: DeWitty : An Audacious Pursuit of the American Dream
Category: Individual Documentary
Student: Dallas Jones
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, NE
Teacher: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
Michael Berg Memorial Award
Title: DeWitty: An Audacious Pursuit of the American Dream
Category: Senior Individual Documentary
Students: Dallas Jones
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln NE
Teachers: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
NEBRASKALand Foundation - Junior Division
First Place
Title: Agate Fossil Beds: Exploring Nebraska's Past
Category: Group Website
Students: Julie Skavdahl, Sam Skavdahl
School: Pink Public Schools, Marsland, NE
Teacher: Dan Valenta
Second Place
Title: Encounters of the Oregon Trail
Category: Individual Exhibit
Student: Nolan Lewandowski
School: St John The Baptist Elementary, Plattsmouth, NE
Teacher: Pamela Reinsch
Junior Division Honorable Mentions
Title: Bodmer & Maxmimilian: A Journey Into the American West
Category: Group Website
Students: Lindsey Johnston, Neleigh Rush, Noah Talmadge
School: Ralston Middle School, Ralston, NE
Teacher: Mindy Podraza
Title: John J. Pershing
Category: Group Website
Students: Jakob Myers, Tyler Gerdes
School: Discovery Home School, Omaha, NE
Teacher: Brent Myers
NEBRASKALand Foundation - Senior Division
First Place
Title: DeWitty : An Audacious Pursuit of the American Dream
Category: Individual Documentary
Student: Dallas Jones
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, NE
Teacher: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
Second Place
Title: The Brutalities American Soldiers Encountered in WWII Japanese POW Camps
Category: Senior Group Performance
Students: Trey Stutheit, Wyatt Nickels, Jaxson Balm
School: Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson, NE
Teachers: Lori Broady, Dan Gossman & Sheila Remmereid
Senior Division Honorable Mentions:
Title: The Corps of Discovery
Category: Group Documentary
Students: Selena Hemsley, Erin Jones, Madeline Daley
School: Mercy High School, Omaha, NE
Teacher: Brooks Humphreys
Title: Early Attempts at Integrating Major League Baseball: Exploring America's Pastime
Category: Historical Paper
Student: Antonia Stewart
School: Lexington High School, Lexington, NE
Teacher: Melanie Chesley
Nebraska Press Association Award - Junior Division
Title: Vikings: Blood Thirst Barbarians or Talented Traders and Excellent Explorers
Student: Megan Snow
School: St Robert Bellarmine Elementary
Teacher: Chris Dziadus
Nebraska Press Association Award - Senior Division
Title: El Mozote: Political Exploration and Exchange, Deadly Encounter
Student: Julia Briones
School: Lexington High School, Lexington, NE
Teacher: Melanie Chesley
National Museum of American History Exhibit Showcase
Title: Upton Sinclair's Encounter with the Meat Industry
Category: Junior Group Exhibit
Students: Jada Mader and Jillian Brennan
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Nebraska Wesleyan University Tuition Scholarships
Title: Encounters in Antarctica
Student: Chance Snook
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Title: More That A Name in A Jar
Student: Taryn Underwood
School: Crawford Junior/Senior High School, Crawford, NE
Teacher: Moni Hourt
Title: Dewitty: An Audacious Pursuit of the American Dream
Student: Dallas Jones
School: Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, NE
Teachers: David Nebel and Kyle Beacom
Title: Exploring Irrigation in Scottsbluff: Overcoming Adversity
Student: Kacie Hahn
School: Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson, NE
Teacher: Lori Broady
Historical Paper
Title: El Mozote: Political Exploration and Exchange, Deadly Encounter
Student: Julia Briones
School: Lexington High School, Lexington, NE
Teacher: Melanie Chesley