Congratulations to all of the State Contest Participants!
Results will be posted under Contest Info/State and National Contest Results
2022 State Winners
Junior Individual Exhibit
First Place
The Spanish Flu and the Deadly Impact of Suppressing Free Speech
Brody Michalski
Ralston Middle School, Ralston
Lynn Behounek and Mindy Podraza, Teachers
Second Place
The Mother of the Civil Rights Movement, Ella Baker
Mikayla Meyer
Lourdes Central Catholic School, Nebraska City
Elise Buck and Wendi Buggi, Teachers
Junior Group Exhibit
First Place
Wet Vs. Dry: A Debate Over Prohibition
Avery Stephens and Jay Fugate
Ralston Middle School, Ralston
Lynn Behounek and Mindy Podraza, Teachers
Second Place
The Many Faces of Mount Rushmore
Teague Edelman and Miranda Betson
Crawford High School, Crawford
Nathan Kackmeister and Moni Hourt, Teachers
Junior Individual Performance
First Place
The Fool Soldiers: Negotiating for White Captives in the Dakota Uprising of 1862
Sophia Wortmann
St. Rose of Lima School, Crofton
Ginger Schieffer, Teacher
Second Place
They Seek the Work of War: Women Heroes of the American Revolution
Marlee Ferguson
Platteview Central Junior High School, Springfield
Andrew Soneson, Teacher
Junior Group Performance
First Place
Scene in Women’s Suffrage
Jaelei Walker, Haleigh Werner, Bridget Donovan, and Mayson Sprague
Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca Public Schools, Syracuse
Sarah Burr, Teacher
Second Place
Standing Bear vs. Crook: The Debate to Be Called Human
Katie Neuharth and Lauren Loecker
St Rose of Lima School, Crofton
Ginger Schieffer, Teacher
Junior Individual Documentary
First Place
Little Rock Nine
Anna Moeller
Lewis And Clark Middle School, Omaha
Melissa Shrago, Teacher
Second Place
John Muir: Ambassador for Mother Nature
Morgan Gabel
Gabel Learning Lab, Lincoln
Jodi Gabel, Teacher
Junior Group Documentary
First Place
1980 Summer Olympics
Brogan Setlik and Korbyn Oseka
Loup City High School, Loup City
Kim Henry, Teacher
Second Place
Hawaiian Annexation
Elijah Solis and Thaddeus Harris
Loup City High School, Loup City
Kim Henry, Teacher ​
Junior Individual Website
First Place
Hetch Hetchy: The Founding of the Modern Environmental Movement
Millie Jackson
Lewis and Clark Middle School, Omaha
Melissa Shrago, Teacher
Second Place
The 1980 Summer Olympic Boycott
Mary Misner
Lourdes Central Catholic School, Nebraska City
Wendi Buggi and Elise Buck, Teachers
Junior Group Website
First Place
Deposits and Withdrawals: The Successes, Failures, and Consequences
of the Central Bank Debate
Clara Heller and Ruby Gravatt
Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson
Brett Davis, Teacher
Second Place
Debate and Diplomacy in the Cuban Missile Crisis
Matthew Sorenson and Samuel Kahl
Chadron Middle School, Chadron
Cathy Kaus and Barbara Waugh, Teachers
Junior Historical Paper
First Place and Nebraska Press Foundation Award
The Annexation of Hawai’i: Consequences into the 20th Century and Beyond
Victoria Bogatz
Lewis and Clark Middle School, Bellevue
Elizabeth Lambert, Teacher
Second Place
The Last and the First: The Potsdam Conference
Erin Wyss
Platteview Central Junior High School, Springfield
Andrew Soneson, Teacher
Senior Individual Exhibit
First Place
The Treaty of Versailles: The Treaty That Ended and Started A War
Lael Rathbun
Arapahoe Public Schools, Arapahoe
Marcia Foley, Teacher
Second Place
Chief Standing Bear: The Ground Breaking Debate for Native American Rights
Lauren Buban
Westside High School, Omaha
Shelby Sedlacek, Teacher
Senior Group Exhibit
First Place
Grace Abbott
Kamden Victory and Tylea Underwood
Crawford High School, Crawford
Nathan Kackmeister and Moni Hourt, Teachers
Second Place
Dropping Atomic Bombs
Cole Lawson and Austin Landers
Loup City High School, Loup City
Kim Henry, Teacher
Senior Group Performance
First Place
Salem Witch Trials: The Trials That Shaped Our Justice
Taryn Ottemann, Chloe Vice, Brooklyn Behrends, and Kolbi Davis
Johnson-Brock Public School, Johnson
Dan Gossman and Brett Davis, Teacher
​Senior Individual Documentary
First Place and Michael Berg Memorial Award
Meyer v. Nebraska: Debate Over Bilingual Education
Tyler Kaus
Chadron Senior High School, Chadron
Cathy Kaus, Teacher
Second Place
“I, too, am America”: A Debate Over Black Identity
Ceci Urbanski
Marian High School, Omaha
Jessica Goodman, Teacher
Senior Group Documentary
First Place
Vietnam Soldiers
Nicole Chilewski, Aleia Friesen, and Allison LoneElk
Loup City High School, Loup City
Kim Henry, Teacher
Second Place
The Picasso Problem
Rebekah Evans and Cara Ansbach
Hastings High School, Hastings
Ann Mays, Teacher
Senior Individual Website
First Place
Bleeding Kansas: The Political Debate Over the Legality of Slavery
Ellanor Gerdes
Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson
Brett Davis, Teacher
Second Place
The Debate Over Veteranship Status: Women’s Air Force Service Pilots in WWII
Hallee Nickels
Johnson-Brock Public Schools, Johnson
Brett Davis, Teacher
Senior Group Website
First Place
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Eva Jaixen and Olivia Fitzgerald
Loup City High School, Loup City
Kim Henry, Teacher
Second Place
Operation Babylift: A Flawed Attempt at American Diplomacy and Humanitarianism
Taryn Davis and Isabella Lecher
Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln
Noa Craft and Kyle Beacom, Teachers
Senior Historical Paper
First Place and Nebraska Press Foundation Award
The Debate to Forego Diplomacy: The 1936 “Nazi Olympics”
Maralee Rischling
Chadron Senior High School, Chadron
Cathy Kaus, Teacher
Second Place
The Diplomacy of Failure: The Bay of Pigs Invasion, A Prelude to Crisis
Dylan Nguyen
Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln
Noa Craft, Teacher
Junior Division
First Place
Junior Group Exhibit
Homesteading in Nebraska
Carson Koch, Easton McMillin, and Mickal Crisman
Ainsworth Middle School, Ainsworth
Second Place
Junior Group Performance
Standing Bear vs Crook: The Debate to Be Called Human
Katie Neuharth and Lauren Lecker
St Rose of Lima School, Crofton
Honorable Mention
Junior Group Website
Standing Bear’s Trial: Debate for Native American Rights and the Impact of Diplomacy
Aiden Curlo and Taylor Sikes
Loup City High School, Loup City
Junior Group Website
The Debate and Diplomacy of Indian Boarding Schools: Success, Failure and Consequences
Jaymeson Gappa and Trinity Weekley
Loup City High School, Loup City
Senior Division
First Place
Senior Individual Exhibit
Chief Standing Bear: The Ground Breaking Debate for Native American Rights
Lauren Buban
Westside High School, Omaha
Second Place
Senior Individual Documentary
The Battle for Fort Robinson
Alexa Tollman
Crawford High School, Crawford
Honorable Mention
Senior Individual Documentary
Meyer v. Nebraska: Debate Over Bilingual Education
Tyler Kaus
Chadron High School, Chadron
Senior Group Website
Nebraska Women’s Suffrage
Natalie Wardyn and Riley Obermiller
Loup City High School, Loup City
Schwalb Center for Israel & Jewish Studies
Senior Group Website
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Eva Jaixen and Olivia Fitzgerald
Loup City High School, Loup City
Honorable Mention
Junior Individual Documentary
The Use of Animation as Propaganda in WWII
Josephine Werner
Chadron Middle School, Chadron
Junior Division
Teacher and Media Specialist from Ralston Middle School
Mindy Podraza
Lynn Behounek
Senior Division
Teacher from Loup City High School
Kim Henry