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Program Materials


The annual National History Day® contest theme is designed to help you think of a topic from any aspect of local, regional, national, or world history. With this focus, you can begin to ask questions that your research will help you answer, including how your topic is significant in history. 

The Guide Packet includes: 

  • ​General Information on NHD program

  • Meeting Nebraska Standards

  • 2024 Theme

  • Project Creation

  • Contest Details

  • General Contest Rules

2021 Rule Book Cover.PNG

Contest Rule Book

The Rule Book includes: 

  • ​What is NHD? 

  • Program Overview

  • Rules For All Categories

  • Individual Category Rules

  • Information on how your entry

       will be Judged


Judge Evaluation Form

Click the buttons below to get the blank judge evaluation form for each category.  NHD uses  a rubric format.

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