Congratulations to all of the State Contest Participants!
Results will be posted under Contest Info/State and National Contest Results
Opens Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Closes Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Teachers Students
Closes Tuesday, February 18, 2025
ALL written components (for all categories)
must be submitted in advance (Feb 23), as well as, projects for historical paper and documentary. Websites will automatically lock by the submission deadline. Exhibits and Performance projects will be shown only the day of the contest.
ATTENTION TEACHERS! If you are participating for the first time, you will need to contact the state office at nebraska@nhd.org BEFORE you try to register in order to have your school added into the system. If you are unsure, please check the list below to see which schools are currently in our system.
Both new and returning teachers need to have a completed registration prior to any students registering. In previous years, returning teachers were able to reuse their accounts. We have discontinued this practice. Teachers and students will be required to create a new account each contest year.
Feel free to create an account with the same username and password each year. All teacher data will be wiped from the system at the start of each contest year, so you do not need to be concerned with accidentally creating duplicate accounts or having students register under various duplicate teacher accounts.
If you forget your password, you can click the “Forgot My Password” button or you can email the state office at nebraska@nhd.org to reset it.
Thank you for your cooperation and your involvement in Nebraska National History Day!
Here are the schools that are currently in our system:
Aurora High School
Hastings High School
Hastings Middle School
Red Cloud Junior/Senior High School
Sandy Creek Junior High School
Sandy Creek Senior High School
Payment Information
Registration Fee: $15.00 per student
Due: Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Please make all checks out to:
Hastings College
Please note "History Day" on the memo line
Send payments to:
Hastings College
Attn: Glen Avent
710 N Turner Ave
PO Box 269
Hastings, NE 68901

710 Turner Avenue
PO Box 269
Hastings, NE 68901