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State Social Studies Standards

See how the NeNHD program connects with Nebraska's Social Studies Guidelines for 6th grade to High School:

6th Grade


Historical Analysis and Interpretation

SS 6.4.4 - Interpret and evaluate sources for historical context.

SS 6.4.4.a - Compare and contrast primary and secondary sources of history.

For example: Compare Lascaux cave painting with a historian’s interpretation of the Paleolithic Era.

SS 6.4.4.b - Analyze the relationships among historical events in the world and relevant contemporary issues.

For example: agriculture, technology, written laws

Historical Inquiry and Research

SS 6.4.5 - Apply the inquiry process to construct and answer historical questions.

SS 6.4.5.a - Construct and answer inquiry questions using multiple historical sources

For example: What defines an empire?

SS 6.4.5.b - Identify and cite appropriate sources for research about world history, including primary and secondary sources.

For example: Hammurabi’s Code, Twelve Tables

SS 6.4.5.c - Gather, analyze, and communicate historical information about the world from multiple sources.

For example:  document archives, artifacts, newspapers, interviews, pictures, posters, oral/written narratives, and electronic presentation


7th Grade


Historical Analysis and Interpretation

SS 7.4.4 - Analyze and interpret sources for perspective and historical context.

SS 7.4.4.a - Compare and contrast primary and secondary sources of history.

For example: Students engage in inquiry and gather evidence to provide a response.

SS 7.4.4.b - Identify the cause and effect relationships among historical events in the world and relevant contemporary issues.

For example: migrations, declarations of war, treaties, alliances, epidemics

Historical Inquiry and Research Skills

SS 7.4.5 - Apply the inquiry process to construct and answer historical questions

SS 7.4.5.a - Construct and answer inquiry questions using multiple historical sources

For example: Compare eyewitness accounts of the Black Death with contemporary medical understandings.

SS 7.4.5.b - Evaluate and cite appropriate sources for research about world history, including primary and secondary sources.

For example:  Interpret primary and secondary sources to address the inquiry. Demonstrate ethical use of

information and copyright guidelines by appropriately quoting or paraphrasing from a text and citing the sources using available resources.

SS 7.4.5.c - Gather, analyze, and communicate historical information about the world from multiple sources.

For example: document archives, artifacts, newspapers, interviews, pictures, posters, oral/written narratives, and electronic presentation


8th Grade


Historical Analysis and Interpretation

SS 8.4.4 - Evaluate and interpret sources for perspective and historical context.

SS 8.4.4.a - Compare and contrast primary and secondary sources.

For example: Compare what texts say about Wounded Knee Massacre to Black Elk’s account of the same event.

SS 8.4.4.b - Evaluate the relationships among historical events in the United States and relevant contemporary issues.

For example: political party platforms, continuing debates about role of government

Historical Inquiry and Research Skills

SS 8.4.5 - Apply the inquiry process to construct and answer historical questions.

SS 8.4.5.a - Identify areas of inquiry by using student-generated questions about multiple historical topics.

For example: Why is the Gettysburg Address considered an  important statement of American national ideals?

SS 4.5.b - Locate, analyze, and  cite appropriate sources for research about United States history, including primary and secondary sources.

For example: classroom texts, Gettysburg Address, tribal treaties, major online historical archives like Library of Congress, National Archives, and local and state archives

SS 8.4.5.c - Gather, analyze, and communicate historical information about United States history from multiple sources

For example: primary sources, secondary sources, popular media, scholarly perspectives


High School


Historical Inquiry and Research

SS HS.4.5 (US) Apply the inquiry process to construct and answer historical questions.

SS HS.4.5.a (US) - Construct meaningful questions about topics in U.S. History.

For example: Why did the United States enter World War I?

SS HS.4.5.b (US) - Locate, evaluate, and cite appropriate sources for research about selected topics in U.S. History, including primary and secondary sources.

For example: Examine speeches from President Woodrow Wilson leading up to World War I, examine

internal communications within Wilson administration, examine press coverage of events leading up to American entry.

SS HS.4.5.c (US) - Select, organize, and corroborate relevant historical information about selected topics in U.S. History.

For example: Compare the sources and determine an initial answer to the inquiry.

SS HS.4.5.d (US) - Synthesize historical information to create new understandings.

For example: Compare the answer students have created to secondary sources and potentially revise students’ answers.

SS HS.4.5.e (US) - Communicate inquiry results within a historical context.

For example: Provide an evidence-based answer to the inquiry, “Why did the United States enter World War I?”

SS HS.4.5 (WLD) - Apply the inquiry process to construct and answer historical questions.

SS HS.4.5.a (WLD) - Construct meaningful questions that initiate an inquiry.

For example: Can peace lead to war?

SS HS.4.5.b (WLD) - Locate, evaluate, and cite appropriate sources for research about selected topics in world history, including primary and secondary sources.

For example: Examine the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations founding documents, examine maps from before and after the treaty, examine contemporary responses to the treaty from a variety of countries.

SS HS.4.5.c (WLD) - Select, organize, and corroborate relevant historical information about selected topics in world history.

For example: Compare the sources and determine an initial answer to the inquiry.

SS HS.4.5.d (WLD) - Synthesize historical information to create new understandings.

For example: Compare the answer students have created to secondary sources and potentially revise students’ answers.

SS HS.4.5.e (WLD) - Communicate inquiry results within a historical context.

For example: Provide an evidence-based answer to the inquiry, “How do countries make decisions about war and peace?”

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